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My Maid My Lover

My Maid My Lover


Chapter 1 Fired

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

re fi

t do you mea

u deaf,

e owner of the restaurant where she wo

can't do t

an pushed Anya so roughly that she fell i

customers tried to harass me

ou threw the damn spic

d, "they d

hundred and twenty

itch?!" Janice pulled the collar of Anya's blouse roughly. Her

ot enough to resist the forty-year-old woman's strength. But it seemed l

a took off the apron around her w

" Janice ye

! I'm happy to fire you!

ands of other girls willin

ys, you'll come and be

lling and cursing at he

way, turned around and stared at th

Anya pointed her mid


ts were slippery and wet as it had been raining since the afternoon. That's why there were so many customers ordering del

ore employees to help Anya handle the fast food r


w months. From a distance she could see her pitiful abode. It was probably going to be t

hone that she had wrapped in plastic because it was raining heavily today

w the message that was sent by the owner of the flat she rented. Rosemitte Wilson, a nice old

survive. Besides, Rose had been kind enough to give her a break by

uldn't pay tomorrow then it was cert

at the door. The old woman looked at her with a smile, "

s about to answer Rose said so

you that I've found a new tenant. I'm sorry, you have to leave here by tomor

fect day!"

l and she couldn't avoid it. It was im

minutes passed with Anya devastated by reality. The girl didn't even realize that Rose had wa

lson," Anya nodded an

e rest Anya. I

ou tom


just like Janice's curse

hunger pangs that she had been feeling since the afternoon suddenly disapp

from the rainwater seepage. The stale odor had been her friend for the past few months. Although this place cou

o close her eyes, her c


. She quickly pic

at this time of night? Can't it be tomorr

me starve to death?! Because of you, I have to sell all my jewelry to survive? Has the big city made you forget

surprised to find ou

, to the point that you no longer send me money. What did you spend your paycheck on?

money with Aunt Magdalena, does sh

I know you want to have fun alone. Or

say tha



her grandmother had already

rds the window of the flat, w

w spinning to imagine herself w

ive, a job

cle!" She shouted as she f

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