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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 4 The Saviour

Word Count: 1319    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

oman. At least, the girl who had just passed through the door said so. The girl was battered, and

got was annoyed. "Are you deaf? I asked you, what's your

wed no fear at all. She boldly looked into the eyes of

gin? The people who brought you

ically, but remained silent.

dn't control her temper. She seemed to

ter to you?"

nt to be fooled by a new kid, and if you are indeed a virgin, I have to

t do you mean by c

ave to see if you really are a virgin?

e. Anya tried to struggle, but Margot

to do to me?" Anya

" ordered Margot in an

" Anya

them off!" re

re that you reall


tinue, someone knocke

ked Margot in a

the baritone

argot, looki

by the door. He was a tall man with a well-proportioned body. His skin was tann

for a moment, then refo

mysterious, handsome man. He returned his

ve a muscle!" Margot sai


to a special room on the second floor, a special room for VVIP guests. Peo

me?" Margot asked Adolfo Dmitry,

ion, "No, I'm not looking for you. Who said I w

e son of the man in front of

rself from the room. However, before her footsteps lef

come here. We don't have enough servant

abel Dodso's widower, Adolfo Dmitry. He did not remarry after t

s waiting. She knew it must be Xavier - Mr. Dmitry's son

ed Margot as she clenched her fis


as the stranger man grabbed her hand and as

," he said w

idn't even know who he was. But the man continued to pull her towa

about who I am," he

er. Now, get in my car quickly.

r to do. Instead, she looked a

anything bad to you," he

ound? Where t

sn't that better than you spending toni

d the car do

ore we get ca

lue car, not forgetting

vehicle, leaving the large co


ow you?" Anya asked s

of the owner of that place. He's also a

hook h

taking me awa

d a friend," she

and they must have forced you there

father ow

were sold by

he handsome man who seemed to be calmly staring

nor Xavier said a word. Suddenly, the cell p

reply, someone on the other s

ou take that girl away?"

sually, as if he didn't know anything

d bring h

? Just this once, to celebrate my graduation, wou

first if you want to take h

er said as he hung


say any more disgu

you aroun

people are?" Anya chirped

ean Ma


s my uncle. That place is a brothel, but it's more upscale because only young execut

is a brothel?" A

t is?" Xavier asked,

tioned off at that place

as strange for a young man whose father was a regul

vier shrugged his

n you came with Candac

sked Anya i

l sorry for me and

d, then smile

shakes his

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