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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 8 The Chosen One 3

Word Count: 1452    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

come true...or at least that's what all servants, except Anya

all of them, only Paris was a ray of sunshine in Anya's life. They decided to

had to step up their game and assist the esteemed Chef Gio in preparing the feast. Oh, what a feast it would be! Two lucky souls w

ur usual salary as overtime," Rimar, the head of

anize the food. Angel and Diana, on the other hand, were absolutely thrilled. Th

ith the young master. So..." Rimar sighed, excusing herself from th

as she prepared to announce the chosen ones. Anya, not expecting much, kept herse

ecision," Rimar declared, her eyes

chosen," Rimar ann

joy. Diana and Rose enveloped her in a tight hug while Paris g

ip about her unique dialect, while Angel had no qualms about sharing the story of Diana's keloid-like surgical scars. They were experts at backstabbing and

sly inquired, her confidence oozing as she expected

nya, who was still desperately trying to

nced with a grin. Anya's hands trembled, nearly causing

pered to herself, her hea

her embark on a thrilling adventure of cleaning eighteen bathrooms a day! Just imagine if she spent

esponse from her. With a dramatic flair, the girl spun around, trans

tting ready now," sh

hing, A

a tad bit unsure about taking t

uper excited to be picked! She couldn't help but notice, out of the corner of her e

me, Pa

enthusiastic thumbs up and a big congratulations! Actually, Pa


n turned back to the boys' area, where she saw Angel still in

ndered anxiously in search of the enigmatic party host until, by chance, her gaze collided wit

Anya, though it took her a few seconds to realize that the man

rm smile spread across his lips. As Anya contemplated walking towards the door to meet him, Noah suddenly gestured

boomed through the air, drawing her att

nd previously entangled by the magnetic attraction of

face exuded an aura of authority and

row furrowed in confusion, looked at him curiously and worriedly.

l times," Xavier explained, his voice filled with authority.

er of desperation creeping into her voice as she searched for a pla

servants to help serve my friends," Xavier assured her, his

moment before casting a piercing gaze toward Anya. The intensity of his gaze st

desire to follow the annoying young master and the myster

ou should accompany me wherever I go!" Xavier's voice echoed th

ollowed the obnoxious young master, her mind

red, stepping defiantly in front of Xavier. Anya was momentarily stunned by the girl's beauty,

h an obvious possessiveness. Anya could only marvel at her cap

Courtney, get out of my

ss-than-friendly answer from Xav, the girl then sets her sigh

's my future fiancé?!" Courtney screeched loudly. Anya groaned. Had she known tha

of your mind?!" Xavier immediate

't let go of her ha

f me!" An

w!" Xav comma

ourtney!" Xav dragged

ng me? I want to scratch

it, Co

had an affair with her?" Courtney removed her hand

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