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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 5 The First Day

Word Count: 1170    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

re you t

e," he repl

r ho

eeper. Only if you don't mind w

e was a sense of relief

to tell me to se

se," Xav

another sense," Any

?" asked Xavier as he brought his face closer to Anya's,

stammering voice. Anya stepped back a few

asked with a grin, adding t

usly with sweat pouring down her forehead, even thou

idely while hold

silly. I'm not a

place if you're not a gentleman

ier shouted loudly, making Anya

rry, I di

er said and dro

thing, that what she was doing now was not a mistake. Isn't working as a housema


a big house with a t

our house?

," Xavier said as Anya unconsciously opened her mo

ople work in

," Xavier sa

till need a housekeeper?"

n my house, that's fine, I'l

to! I really, really wa

rk in that woman's

s driving stopped right in front of the

eted the man with the thin m

er to her room," Xavier sai

." The man replied as he

ous as the exterior, with sparkling chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, marble floors, and intricate artwork ado

rienced such luxury before, and the prospect of working in a place like this seemed too good to be true. However, a p

soft lavender color, and a large window let in sunlight, casting a warm glow throughout the room. A neatly arran

he man said, his evil grin

er heart. She thanked the man and watched him leave, closing the door behind him. Alo

t through, this place is definitely a lot better

sy. The aura of arrogance that enveloped them, their indifference towards others, everything just didn't feel right. However, she had n


through the gaps in the curtains

een full of excitement and optimism, but

throughout the room, as he splashed her with water

nding in her chest, as the ice-cold wa

an wake up as you please?!" Henry sn

in gasps as she struggled to co

your first day of work!" Henry's voice boomed with

you?" A

rgot who I am

of the household at Mr

ched the exact same maid uniform the girls were wearing, its pure white fabric a stark contrast to the chaos th


out an apology, her words echoing in th

a, raised his voice once more,

girls who had witnessed the scene. Like startled birds, they scattered, returnin

s voice pierced through the bathroom door, taking Anya by surprise. How could he know the intentions stirring within An

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