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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 9 Noah

Word Count: 1122    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

looked at her with strange and disgusted looks. Courtney used to be the idol

e men she was tired of dating. And again, the men who worship her are already at the

er. She pursues the eldest son of the Dmitry family like a man who has lost his sanity. However, it's n

doesn't love Courtney, Xavie

t stand her possessiveness. At first, Xav didn't think she would go this crazy, pursuin

n't do that. He had already promised his father that he would treat the da

e of his bodyguards who was now in the r

im to his room

screeched Courtney as she staggered

ns could say anything further, Cou

don't want to sleep in the guest room," s

rtney?" asked Xav angrily. His patience

elled Courtney

dal suit

s if he was holding back embarrassment or perhaps dis

ns, please take her to my room," he ordered in a low tone. I

I want... you..." Courtney again s

ry me in bri

t of Xav's mouth. The man then carried the

ourtney's ranting and raving could still be heard down

a, who was still r

rry. May I have a

. He was handsome, his body was well-built, and his jawline was firm, b

ickly got a glass

ssed, starting the conversation. Anya w

you from?"

ss to its place. I'm going to the kitchen to get

ood in the kitc

interested in conversing with an

t some. Can you

don't know if you can eat

oment before, she had turned her head towards the stairs.

her to her room. However, Xav did not return e

ng love," Anya mut

ong at all. He was an asshole who liked to play with women. He wo

. It was none of her business. All she cared about was the cleanliness of the bathroom and toilet. Sadly, Anya would still be in th

ecome numb to all the suffering and trials of life.

She just wanted to breathe for a moment because those rich people's children told her to

two legs and two arms?!" muttered Anya, complaining, tal

as not alone in the kitchen. Anya immediately turned her net, looking

as the sky was looking a

that he would suddenly appear in the kitchen. Noah stood up and leaned his we

er to Anya. But the girl was still transfi

Noah brought his fa

d aback, "w

er's older

e smiled my

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