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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 10 The Annoying Young Master

Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

tone. The voice that came from Xav, a voice t

berserk," Noah said with a smile, and the man turned and walk

a few seconds. Leaving Anya s

Gio, who suddenly appeared from behind the refrigeration room. An

aid, Anya ran straight back to the ba

r of the room. The man's eyes stared at her sharply. A

ed copper-like eyes looked at the man in front of her with a questioning gaze. For some

you been?!" shouted Xav

g. She replied, "I-I,

ing there?" aske

to go to the bathroom?" Anya snapped bravely. She realized again that she must

he smiled. He then clapped his hands a few t

ch instantly made the whole room rowdy. One by one, they left the place. Of course, after saying goodbye to

up this room," Xav said as he looked at Angel. T

looked unhappy with the young maste

was about to help Angel clean up the

ound with a qu

cold voice, his face almost expressionless

what seemed like

ckly follow the man's footsteps up the stairs. Meanwhile,


. He stood in one of the rooms. Then he p

he deliberately kept her distance because she

d question Anya threw at Xav. Making the man publish a

oung man unceremoniously pulled Anya's arm a little roughly. Forcing her inside. Suddenly, Anya tried to free hers

ly drenched her body. She began to step ba

rying to look strong though her voice trembled. The handsom

Anya slowly retreated until her

e with both palms. Immediately, Anya's words made Xavie

I'm crazy, sacrificing my bright f

y lowered her hands. Now, Anya's round eyes looke

clothes. He unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing one by on

e you do

ered coldly. It was obvious that he did not

ier, are you craz

nly his boxers remained. An athletic body, with sexy pectoral musc

eyes!" Xa

ant to open her eyes. She didn't want

ya!" forced Xav, but the gi

like this, I won't open

I'm not naked, stupid gir

ie!" acc

ing to let you see my Mr. Hotties?" Hearing Xav's rant suddenly made Anya's face turn red. She was embarrassed to

ce. His chest was muscular and sexy, and she didn't know how to describe i

ered, leaving the girl in front

his isn't on my job desk!" A

u're just a maid? Don't you realize that, Anya Smith!!"

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