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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 3 Hell Nah!

Word Count: 1132    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

man's large black shoes. From his feet and the shoes he wore, Anya

with bare hands

ther was dealing with a ruthless debt collector. And to m

he man ca

ghtly. It's impossible to hold back tears when

willingly, or do I

scared to death hearing the th

the bed, I'll count d

own as he moved c


counting. Anya slowly crawled out from under the bed with a s

" said the man who was abou

said as he pulled Any

for your debt to our master. I wi

r, when she saw the looks and appearance of the four men, who were very si

d averted his eyes. Meanwhile, the bitch named Beth smile

med Beth just before the fo

xty-seven thousand dollars. Shouldn't this girl be worth more than that? She looks like a virgi

asked the fat man who was

tion of answering. Realizing that he was under

th and flawless state. If she gets scratched, then I'll chop off your head for wild dog f

d actions. Robert had done nothing to help her. The man who

he white-hair

nute!" scr

goodbye to him," said Anya, who didn't care any

obert Smith, thank you. You are a great father, and you sold your daughter to protect that bitch. I guarantee your

y and cover


her head with a black cloth as if sh


being herded into the car because one of the big men had gagged her with a drugged

The distance between the gate and the building was

ht red dress, looking at Anya while smoking a cigarette that she clamped between her fingers, whose

those who don't know how to enjoy it," she


Anya was

the woman ext

e in that hell, I mean heaven..." she

led Anya along, then signal

of this new stuff." Candace

to them, sounding like a code or password. The two men nodded, and then they were

chose to remain silent and follow what Candace said. She took Anya to a room where all the walls were covered with

a lot of money tonight. Sorry, I don't think I can teach you so that Margot will take over. Uhm... yo

because she preferred to focus on finding a way to escape from this pla

black stockings arrived. From her beautiful yet f

Margot!" s

fter her," Margot said with a smile. Candace nodded obedien

uck?" Anya's m

nitely disast

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