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My Maid My Lover

Chapter 7 The Chosen One 2

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

ns?" Anya couldn't hide her curiosity. Paris, who seemed to be d

test as the main heirs of the grandmother's, aka the Great Lady's, countless as

at Paris'

ung girls who serve th

ons are not perverts. They are men of dignity who would not touch a woman

t because she didn't have any more questions but because there were so many q

the car window. Looking a


ete. He was four years old, and Xav was two, his father holding Xav and his mother holding him. The two brothers looked very different


eautiful in her mature age. She was Cassandra Rodriguez. The head housekeeper at Twi

there nine?" she asks as she counts th

handpicked the other

" Cassandra muttered loud enough for

ur servants for Young Master Noah's


this family, who will be the main heir to all the Dmitry property

e vying for the chance to

cold and indifferent to women. But that's what makes the young mast

a at Anya, who seemed unfoc

ed at her chest wi

what's y

ya Smith,

ets in young master Xavier's residence!" screeched Cassandra, instantly

Shelina and the gank lookin

xpect that she would

sk I gave you?" asked Cassa

...I..." Anya shoo

ge your time to get all those tasks done on time! Do you understand?" Cas

the room. And she was greeted by another woman she is older than Cassandra. Even so,

's your name, ch

nya, m

ce My name is Marimar. You can call me Rimar, or you can call m

give up. I'll show you what you need to do. I'll also show you wher

ed about the house. The first floor was dedicated to entertaining guests, where th

There are two large rooms that several servants can sleep in at

ms for the young master's extended family and a special room used when Mrs. Xerena Roseanne Dmitry - Xavier's grandmother - came to visit. And final

showers and toilets. Even if the young master d

ed in und

floor. At this hour, young Master Xavier must b

Should I start the work now?" Anya asked. Rimar shook

ve already finished cleaning everything?"

ry angry if I brushed his bathroom too late in the day. He doesn't want to be disturbed

oying man," Anya said as she w

a very kind and sweet boy." Then Rimar

e? S

enile. So she can't tell the difference be

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